Monday, December 12, 2011

Budget/Funding Activity

Completing this budget assignment was very helpful to me.  Before this program, I was very unfamiliar with school budgets and how they are used.  After meeting with my school principal about this, I learned about the different types of budgets that a school has, and how/where that money needs to be spent.  I understand that if money comes from a certain budget, then it must only be spent on specific needs relating to student achievement.  I also learned this from attending my school’s School Site Council meeting where funding was discussed and where those monies should be allocated.  Having this conversation with my principal reminded me of how a school can somewhat be compared to running a business.  The end goal is high student achievement, but you need to know what that will take.  Spending the money in certain areas such as supplemental materials, resources, or even using it for substitute teachers so that the school’s teachers can have professional meetings with the principal throughout the day all contribute to student learning. 

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